Which Wallet Can I Use to Store OMI Tokens?

The OMI token is an ERC20 token and can therefore be stored in any wallet that supports the Ethereum Blockchain (that’s pretty much all of them!).

Before we get to wallets themselves, there are a few important things to note when it comes to storing crypto or NFTs in your own wallets, and we encourage you to take the time to read and understand how wallets actually work.

Crypto Security is YOUR Responsibility

Digital assets put the power of finance back into your hands, making you responsible for the security of your tokens if you choose to take custody of them and store them in your own wallet.

This is a very liberating concept compared to the traditional world of banking. However, it also means that you must understand how it all works to protect your digital assets adequately.

If you need a refresher on crypto security or want to learn more about how it works, please open the toggles below.

Crypto Security Refresh

Crypto Wallets

What is an Ethereum Wallet?

Cold and Hot Wallets

Storing OMI on Exchanges- NOT Recommended

Storing OMI in the OMI Web Wallet

OMI Token Portal