Uniswap is a decentralized exchange that uses pooled liquidity to allow token holders a simple way to swap between ERC20 (Ethereum) tokens.

As a reward for contributing to that liquidity (which makes you a ‘liquidity provider’ or LP), you will earn a % of the fees collected from that pool.

<aside> 🚧 Heads Up! Providing liquidity on decentralized exchanges comes with inherent risks, such as impermanent loss. Be sure you understand these risks before adding liquidity to a Uniswap pool.


We recommend you explore all of the free documents, resources, and walkthroughs available in the Uniswap knowledge base before adding OMI liquidity to our Uniswap Pool.

The links provided will also detail how to add liquidity to a pool, should you choose to.

What is a liquidity pool?

Who uses the Uniswap protocol?

How to provide liquidity on Uniswap V3

The OMI/ETH Pool on Uniswap

There is only one liquidity pool available on Uniswap using ERC20 OMI tokens. It is available on Ethereum only (Layer 1) as an OMI/ETH pairing (OMI/wETH).

You can access it here or add liquidity by connecting your browser wallet (such as Metamask) to the Uniswap Interface, selecting the ‘pool’ option, and searching ‘ECOMI.’

You can confirm the ERC20 OMI contract address and details on Etherscan by searching for ECOMI.

However, for quick reference, the OMI token contract address is:

<aside> 🚧 DO NOT select ‘wrapped ECOMI (wOMI).’

The wrapped ECOMI token is now redundant. Any person holding this token needs to migrate it to the new ERC20 OMI token asap.
