In early 2022 the OMI token was permanently migrated from GoChain to Ethereum.

If you have old GoChain OMI tokens or the wrapped OMI (wOMI) token, you need to swap them for the new Ethereum (ERC20) OMI Token to use them on an exchange or in the VeVe app.

Before You Begin

  1. The token swap site will remain open indefinitely, so you can swap whenever possible. This is particularly useful to know if gas costs are high, as you can wait for the price to reduce before swapping.
  2. Using MetaMask, or any other crypto wallet is at your own risk. You are responsible for ensuring that you use the correct addresses and procedures and protect your private keys.
  3. The token migration site is designed to interface with the MetaMask Browser extension !ONLY! Please do not use mobile wallets or other wallet types 🦊
  4. Beware of scams and phishing attempts! Please be wary any time you interact with these sites, and ensure that you are ONLY using the official links and sites, as found in this article.

Manually Swap Your OMI Tokens

We have built a swap site to make this process easy for you, and it is designed to interface directly with MetaMask, through your desktop browser.

Please do not use other wallet types or attempt to swap tokens using the mobile MetaMask wallet 🚧

You will find it at

If you already have and/or use MetaMask, and/or have GoChain added as a custom network, you can skip to Step 4.*W1W9oN0rJpRY9kYmOwE48g.png

Step 1. Install MetaMask

Step 2. Add GoChain and GoChain OMI to MetaMask

Step 3. Fund Your MetaMask Wallet

Step 4. Add Ethereum OMI to MetaMask

Step 5. Connect MetaMask to the Chainswap Site

Step 6. Confirm Your Balances