The VeVe Master Collector Program (MCP) is a holistic loyalty program that rewards active **VeVe Collectors. The MCP combines the benefits of digital collecting with a unique system of OMI token utility intended to amplify the VeVe collectibles experience.

On this page, you will find information about token utilities that are currently available or in development.

As the VeVe Master Collector program expands to encompass additional features and utilities, it will give VeVe Collectors a way to:

You can start with the VeVe Master Collector Program here and check back regularly to learn more about OMI utilities as this information becomes available.

When OMI utility features are ready for public beta, we will add information, instructions, and walkthroughs below.

OMI Reward Tiers: Season Zero

Bronze MCP Tickets

OMI Token Portal