Who Is This For?

This is for OMI holders that have successfully completed the step- Withdrawing OMI from VeVe.

Once you have withdrawn OMI from the VeVe app to your Layer 2 OMI address (in MetaMask), you can begin the withdrawal (bridging) process to move your tokens from Immutable X Layer 2 back to Layer 1 OMI tokens.

The Immutable X Bridge

👉 https://tools.immutable.com/erc-20/ 👈

The Immutable X ERC20 token bridge allows you to perform a few functions:

<aside> 🚧 The instructions below will show you how to access the IMX token bridge using the MetaMask wallet and on a desktop computer ONLY.

Please do not use other wallet types or the mobile MetaMask app to bridge your assets.


How to Withdraw OMI From Layer 2 Back to Layer 1

To withdraw OMI from Immutable X Layer 2 back to VeVe:

  1. You must prepare the withdrawal (~10-hour processing time, gas-free)
  2. Before you can actually withdraw your tokens back to your Layer 1 Ethereum address (ETH gas fee).

You will also need to pay a gas fee in ETH to process the transaction.

1. Deposit ETH to Your MetaMask Wallet (if necessary)